May 1, 2020

A Little Kelp and My Friends – by Buddy

Hi there. It’s Big Buddy writing the blog again this month. I hope I don’t let you all down. I like writing this blog so much! I am not going to write a blog about how Don makes everyone mad. He would be very sad if he read my blog and then he would get […]

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Apr 1, 2020

Vetting the Vets – by Auggie

Salutations, depraved quislings. Be seated. That is an order. When I heard we were going to “The Vets” the other day, I thought I would spend the day at a local VFW, drinking cheap beer with the heroes of our nation. Nothing could have been further from the truth. No doubt you have heard about […]

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Mar 1, 2020

Everything is Stupid – by Ted

Editor’s Note: We’ve been trying to get Teddy to write a blog since we got him from Old Dogs New Digs (ODND) in April. He stubbornly refuses. However, we found his diary. PLEASE DON’T TELL HIM WE HAVE HIS DIARY. Also – because this is a diary, there is stronger language than a normal dog blog. Also, you […]

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Feb 1, 2020

Small Head Ted – by Don

Do you like reading? I like writing! Two years after losing My Beloved Coal, I insisted we get another dog. I was convinced Buddy was going to kick the bucket any minute and I couldn’t picture life without at least three dogs. That was 20 months ago. I’m convinced Buddy is the Rasputin of our […]

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Jan 1, 2020

Driving Miss Donny Insane – by Max

Hi there, Max here! I am just fine, thank you! Don has been a big part of my life since he stole me from my cozy whelping box in Bangor. Whilst Don has taught me many valuable things and brought me to many wondrous places, we get under each other’s skin. I think it’s a […]

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Dec 1, 2019

Pee Pee Blues – by Buddy

Hi there! It’s Big Buddy writing the blog this month. I hope I don’t let you all down! Thank you for all your birthday wishes!!! I turned fourteen on November 23rd. That was also the Early Bird! The shop was so busy and there were so many people! I think they were singing “Happy Birthday” […]

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Nov 1, 2019

Odyssey – by Auggie

Good Day, Malingerers. This is a long one. Don’t start it if you cannot finish it. I was given no warning. Don brought me to the truck and bade me inside. I thought we were going to the local park for Walkies and mayhap a treat for afters. As there were none of the other […]

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Oct 1, 2019

Pup Fiction – by Don

Listen, I’ve been on vacation and therefore very negligent. I don’t have a fully-developed blog for you this month. Luckily, I DO have a lot of random, humorous story fragments. Kind of like the Dead Sea Scrolls. So I’m going to try a Quentin Tarantino move here. I’m just going to string along these unrelated […]

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Sep 1, 2019

Gail’s House – by Max

Max here. I am just fine, thank you! I want to tell you about a place that means a lot to me. I’ve been going to Gail’s House since I was an 8-week-old pup. From the minute I met her, I knew she was special. She speaks to me in a very high-pitched voice. Most […]

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Aug 1, 2019

Painful Things – by Big Buddy

Hi everybody! It’s me, Big Buddy writing the blog. Thanks for reading them. I like writing them! Sometimes people I don’t even know come to the cabin when I’m asleep. I’m not a watchdog, so I don’t wake up. But sometimes when I’m asleep on the floor, the people roll this thing all over the […]

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