Jul 1, 2019

J’Accuse – by Auggie

J’Accuse – “I accuse.” A bitter denunciation. I should start by saying that my last blog was a resounding triumph in Canine Literature. Normally, my blogs are hungrily received and widely acclaimed by the top critics of the land. I have heard tell that my last blog caused several prominent critics to completely explode in a flash of […]

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Jun 1, 2019

Insane Pownal Coyote Posse – by Don

The blog is starting!!! The blog is starting!!!! Please be seated and turn your cellphone off. To be quite honest, I’m not sure how dogs evolved. They should be a dead branch on the evolutionary tree considering some of the things they eat – chicken bones, tacos, socks, couch stuffing, rotting things, socks, rat poison, […]

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May 1, 2019

Teddy Ballgame – by Max

Hi there, Max here! I am Don and Liana’s first dog. I am the first Salty Dog. I am 12 years old. I am Max – Maximus Gary Kingsbury. Did I mention that I am Don and Liana’s first dog? I have been described as a “Great Dog” by you Bipeds. If that is true, […]

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Apr 1, 2019

Man’s Best Friend – by Big Buddy

Hi everyone. It’s Big Buddy! It’s my turn to write the blog this month. I’m not sure why they still let me write a blog. Sometimes I think it’s because they feel sorry for me and other times Don will say that people really love my blogs and will send emails to say they love […]

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Mar 1, 2019

Ask Augustus – by Auggie

Good Day, you drunken gadabouts. I am often unfairly criticized for being too harsh. However, in the interests of ceasing your incessant e-prattle, I am now going to answer questions submitted by you – the confused and chunky canine hordes of America. I do this without anger and in the genuine hopes of helping my fellow canines. […]

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Feb 1, 2019

The Family Budster – by Don

I figured since I wrote pieces about getting Max, Auggie, and Coal that I was obligated to write one about getting Buddy. So let’s do this whether we want to or not. I’m going to use all of Buddy’s nicknames in casual reference in this blog. Sorry in advance. ——————————- We came to know The […]

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Jan 1, 2019

Chess King on the Hot Dog Boat – by Max

Hi there, Max here! I am just fine thank you! Don writes a lot about what a pain in the butt I am and he’s absolutely correct. If your dog isn’t a big pain in the butt then he’s not doing his job. Just think, if you woke up tomorrow and switched places with your […]

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Dec 1, 2018

Abandoned – by Big Buddy

Hi there, I’m Big Buddy. This month is my turn to write the blog. I hope I don’t let you all down! I got very scared in November because I was abandoned by Don and Liana. I get left alone a lot but this time I was abandoned at the cabin. It was very, very […]

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Nov 1, 2018

SEALs at the Gates of Don – by Auggie

Salutations, quislings. It is I, your Supreme Canine Commander in Chief – Augustus. I am ready to mesmerize you with my unique and compelling takes on Boothbay Harbor Dog Life. And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for picking up most of your trash in the Harbor this summer and disposing of […]

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Oct 1, 2018

Let Loose the Dogs of War – by Don

You might get the impression that Max and I still battle like we did when he was a puppy. We do. The battles are different now that we’re both old and lazy. In the past, something as simple as getting Max in the car resembled a Nazi-Soviet slugfest with vast encirclements, unspeakable civilian atrocities, and unrelenting […]

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