Aug 22, 2014
I am Max and I am just fine, thank you! And thanks for all the belly-rubs this summer!
I just wanted to let all you bipeds know that the blackberries at Ocean Point Preserve are ripe. Not at the actual Ocean Point, but at the Boothbay Region Land Trust’s Ocean Point Preserve! Auggie, Coal, and I already got most of the raspberries, blueberries, and huckleberries. But we left a few blackberries for you people who read Max and Aug’s Dog Blog! Oh! And don’t tell Auggie! He thinks all the berries are his. He warned Coal and I off them and claimed “sovereignty” over all of them or something. Coal and I just go to other bushes. And I think Don teases Auggie by picking the big, fat, ripe berries on the upper branches and eating them while he watches.
And all those berries make the late summer bearable for me. August ocean temperatures are far too high, the horseflies are vicious, and there are waaay too many people around for me to enjoy a nice slide down Boothbay House Hill on my belly. Winter is my favorite time of the year. And sadly, winter is the most berry-free season. Except for the ones I steal at night off the coffee table after parties. But don’t tell Don that.
So enjoy the berries we left you! And come see us for Harborfest!
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