Oct 1, 2014

Jeepers Creepers– Leaf Peepers! — By Max

Max Here. I am just fine, Thank You! And a big “Thank You!” to those of you who are reading this through the link on our new newsletter! Talk about bragging rights! You are my best buddies in the whole world! If I could come out of this computer to rub your head and say […]

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Sep 9, 2014

Fall Down, Clean-Up — By Auggie

I am Augustus Megatron Bulldozer. You may know me as “Auggie” or “Aug Dog.” I am the anchor for this whole train wreck of a store. Thank you for supporting my reform efforts. As you may know, the coast of Maine is much more relaxed now that all you tourists are safely home and at […]

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Aug 22, 2014

Berry Friendly – By Max

I am Max and I am just fine, thank you! And thanks for all the belly-rubs this summer! I just wanted to let all you bipeds know that the blackberries at Ocean Point Preserve are ripe. Not at the actual Ocean Point, but at the Boothbay Region Land Trust’s Ocean Point Preserve! Auggie, Coal, and […]

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Aug 7, 2014

Coal’s Birthday 2014 – By Coal

Hi there. I’m Coal. I’m the big fuzzy Lab you’ll see asleep in front of the register. Don says I fall asleep there so I can get my fair share of attention. I just fall asleep there because I get a good view of the free treat bowl. If one of those things should accidentally […]

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Jul 23, 2014

Boothbay Harbor Mutt Scrub 2014

I am Augustus Megatron Bulldozer. Most of you respectfully call me Auggie, Aug, or Aug Dog. Don calls me Hog Dog or Seagull (Editor’s Note: Because if he had wings he’d fly to all the restaurants and fight the seagulls for the french fries in the parking lot). He shan’t have that sense of humor […]

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Jun 21, 2014

Max’s Birthday / New Website! – By Max

Max Here. I am just fine, thank you! In case you missed it, my 7th birthday on May 16th was just fine. I got a squirrel-covered cake like I asked for (Editor’s Note: They were squirrels made of yogurt frosting, not the real squirrels he was asking for. Please don’t tell him.) And everyone made loud noises […]

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Oct 8, 2013

Coal’s Zombie Class 2013 – By Coal

Hi there. I’m Coal, the 10-year old black lab at Two Salty Dogs. Don calls me “The Geezer.” I’m the black lab at the shop who loves swimming, playing fetch, peanut butter treats, and affection. In fact, I like just about everything, everyone, and every dog I’ve ever met. The only thing I cannot stand is zombies. Filthy, stinking, rotten, brain-eating zombies! DOG……I hate them SO much!!!!!!!!!!!

Zombies try to hurt people, people! They try to get you and eat you! Are you people blind? Can’t you see? And you keep going about your daily lives, completely unconcerned that there’s a zombie behind the corner who would feast upon your BRAIN! And you need your brain to think about things! Things like what time my dinner is! Also it would REALLY help to have a brain to decide where we are going for walkies/swim in the morning! THANK YOU!

But you Sheeple keep pretending there are no such thing as zombies. It’s like you don’t care and you don’t protect yourself. It was around this time last year at the store we saw a SWARM of zombies and vampires and witches and ghouls and OTHER NASTY THINGS headed straight for the shop door! CAN YOU IMAGINE IT? (Editor’s note: It was last year’s Halloween Parade where all the kids dress up in costumes and Trick or Treat at the local businesses). Thankfully, Don and Liana are the smartest people I know, and they started giving the marching filth lots of treats so they would go next door and not eat their precious people brains. They also hired a gigantic white dog with black spots to keep the villains at bay (Editor’s note: He’s talking about Liana in that dog costume. It was a big hit!). We were so lucky to get out of that with our tails attached! But I don’t intend to be just lucky again. I intend to beat these ghouls.

So—Since you people are incapable of spotting a zombie unless it is gnawing on your own brain stem, I will help you because I like all LIVING creatures. I will be holding my famous “Zombie Class” on October 31st from 11am to 2pm. If you come into the shop and act like a realistic zombie, I will bark at you, and you will get a free bag of treats from Don and Liana. If you are some poseur, you will get nothing except your brain eaten later that evening by the swarm. Perhaps I will lick you or gaze into your eyes as a way of saying “Goodbye nice people. The zombies await your brain.” But if I don’t bark at you, and you don’t get those bag of treats…..you are zombie fodder.

I don’t mean to be mean. I want you people to LIVE and for you to get those treats. But I can only do so much. You have to help me. You have to FIGHT!

– I am Coal. I will protect you. IF you let me.

Hi there. I’m Coal, the 10-year old black lab at Two Salty Dogs. Don calls me “The Geezer.” I’m the black lab at the shop who loves swimming, playing fetch, peanut butter treats, and affection. In fact, I like just about everything, everyone, and every dog I’ve ever met. The only thing I cannot stand […]

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Sep 9, 2013

HarborFest 2013 – By Max

Max here. I am just fine, thank you. Just a quick update on the Mutt Scrub– We raised over $1,000 for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter and BARKK! Everyone did such a great job! And Coal won the the dog version of musical chairs (Editors Note: When the music stops, the last dog not sitting […]

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Jul 20, 2013

Boothbay Harbor Mutt Scrub 2013 – By Auggie

I am Aug. This is my dog blog. Yes. I like the ring to that…. Aug’s Dog Blog. Well, what do you know? First of all, “thank you” to my loyal followers who alerted me that my pack-mates have been calling me “Seagull” behind my back. Don started this insolence, and says it’s because I […]

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May 16, 2013

Max’s Birthday 2013 – By Max

Max here. I am just fine, thank you. Singing— “It’s My Birthday and I’ll Eat As Much As I Want To…” That’s right. My Birthday is on the 16th of May. I try to play it up as much as I can, but the shop first opened on that day. And Cole/Coal came to us […]

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