We didn't have any baseball hats in our first year. We refused to get them unless they were ABSOLUTELY, PERFECTLY correct. In that way, we saved you from shoddy merchandise AND taking time out of your precious schedule to come all the way back up to Maine to throw stuff through our display window. You're welcome.
For these baseball hats we consulted NASA and the Guarded Scripts of Nostradamus. We even included the seagulls on our front logo after the Senate Sub-Sub-Committee on Head-and-Shoulder-Adornment for the Oceanic Prefectures issued a decree that we had better, lest face huge fines. The logos themselves are daguerreotypes of our actual dogs. Coal is there. You just have to look closely. He might not be on the front of the hat with Max and Auggie, he might be on the back or on the leather strap. You will never know until you buy one.
Seriously, our logo and the writing on the back is embroidered. That's good news for those of you like me who lather baseball hats in paint.
![]() Baseball Hat - Two Salty Dogs (Red)
![]() Baseball Hat - Two Salty Dogs (Blue)
![]() Baseball Hat - Blue Lab on Coral
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